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Asa akira is sada, a femme fatale who takes a job at an la fetish dungeon that services rich and powerful clients. a secret after-hours orgy leads sada into an affair with the head-mistress' husband and partner kichi. Following the disaster wrought upon the world by a mysterious being called ‘akira’, neo tokyo is now in social and economic turmoil. in such a decaying city, feisty kaneda and his shy friend tetsuo survive by running around in a biker gang, chasing local rivals and generally evading the police. everything changes, however, when tetsuo crashes into a strange-looking boy during a. It’s been a surreal—and truly awful—year. one in which a deadly, highly contagious virus claimed the lives of hundreds of thousands of americans and left millions out of work, as the government barely raised a finger. with most movie theate.

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